Dane Dems

Final state convention delegate slate

We have received our final list of state convention delegates from the state party. Due to a last-minute rush of sign-ups, we did exceed our quota, by eight people. We drew random numbers to select our eight alternates. If you are one of the eight, please come to convention anyway. As long as there are eight no-shows — a near certainty — you will be \”elevated\” as a voting delegate.

The list is here, with auto-delegates, delegates, alternates and non-voting guests shown in that order. (Non-voting guests are people who registered to attend but did not request delegate status by the deadline, people requested status but who do not hold current party memberships, or people who are not old enough to vote. Guests are welcome to take part in the convention but may not participate in party business — voting on officers and resolutions.)

The list also indicates whether the convention registration fee, which covers the cost of the event, has been paid. You can pay your registration fee at the door, but it will make sign-in smoother if you do it in advance. You can pay and see other info about the convention here.