Dane Dems

Action needed to resist GOP power grab

UPDATE: Three power-grab bills were voted out of committee and are headed for floor votes today (Tuesday, Dec. 4). Action items:

  • Contact your state Senators and Representatives, urging them to vote no on the bills today.
  • Then contact five moderate Republican state senators (below), and ask them to vote no on all three bills.

Sen. Rob Cowles, (608) 266-0484
[email protected]

Sen. Luther Olsen, (608) 266-0751
[email protected]

Sen. Dan Feyen of Fond du Lac, (608) 266-5300
[email protected]

Sen. Jerry Petrowski (608) 266-2502
[email protected]

Sen. Patrick Testin (608) 266-3123
[email protected]

ORIGINAL POST: Republicans in the legislature are moving forward on several proposals to undercut Gov.-Elect Tony Ever’s authority before he’s even taken office. They’re also trying to move the 2020 presidential primary in order to rig the election in favor of a Republican-aligned Supreme Court justice, and they’re even trying to limit in-person absentee voting, making it harder for people to exercise their right to vote.

Help us make calls to Democratic supporters in target Senate districts and urge them to stop efforts to undermine Gov.-Elect Evers. You can sign up right away to the state party\’s Virtual Phone Bank and make calls in the comfort of your home — no wait necessary. 

In addition, you can call your legislators directly using this script:
Hello, my name is ______. I\’m urging you to vote against any legislation that limits the powers of Gov.-Elect Evers, restricts early voting, or changes the date of the 2020 presidential primary to benefit a Republican Supreme Court justice.

Please urge others to do the same, especially if they are represented by Republicans. If you don\’t know your legislators, go to wisdems.org/legis.

Finally, if you can come to the Capitol on Monday, Dec. 3, please attend the Joint Finance Committee hearing at 12:30 in Room 412 East and register against all power-grab legislation. If you can\’t make it in person, you can call as per the above and/or send a statement to [email protected] so that a volunteer can deliver it to be entered into the record. Be sure to include your name and address in any statement.

And at 5:30 Monday, stand in solidarity and resistance at a rally on the State Street steps.