We normally don’t have membership meetings in June and July, but there’s too much happening this year to wait till August. So we’ll have a special meetup, with both Dane Dems members and participants from other area progressive grassroots groups. We’ll have time for sharing a refreshment and meeting new people, as well as a program featuring:
- A chance to engage on resistance activities with Indivisible.
- A chance to engage with the DPW’s turn-on-the-off-year field plan.
- A briefing on the roadmap to the 2018 elections.
Please save the date and plan to come out in July.
What: Midsummer meetup for Dane Dems and other progressive organizations
When: 6:30-8:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 11
Where: Goodman Community Center, 149 Waubesa St., Madison